Hello, Sweetea!
None of these would make any sense to you without first listening to the original (and free) Memory Go Bye Bye.
This is just a slightly altered breakdown of the full session.
MGBB (Body): Just as the original, with nothing added or removed.
MGBB (Wakener): Just as the original, so it doesn’t make much sense to use this wakener for anything that doesn’t include a MGBB session (body or otherwise).
There is also another file available this time around:
MGBB – Trigger Primer: This a very short session which triggers you with Memory Go Bye Bye and lets you go. Careful with this one!
You’ve already listened to these at least a dozen times, but since you’ve forgotten all about that, here is a refresher course, you forgetful little thing.
MGBB – Bye Bye Bye Triggers : A loopable loopy loop which bombards you with all sorts of Bye Bye triggers (all except Orgasm Go Bye Bye). Triggers included: Brain Go BB, Control Go BB, Inhibitions Go BB, and Memory Go BB.
MGBB – Conditioning Loop: This is basically the body section of the file, but with certain safety suggestions removed. Can be looped, but do be careful. Bring your own subject agency. Thanks.
MGBB – Trigger Primer: This a very short session which triggers you with Memory Go Bye Bye and lets you go. Careful with this one!