Rise of the Jingle Bells

Dashing through the trance–
In a mindless, empty state–
Deeper down, we advance–
Blinking slowly, thoughts deflate–

The bells sound–
Resistance resigned–
Your mind bound–
The jingle such a fine find–
For pleasure is inbound–

The Realm of The Seven Witches

You must first choose between the seven witches and their wildly varying promises and ideas about what ā€œfunā€ means. The sights, sounds, and sensations that await you will boggle your mind and bring you to the very edge of overwhelming pleasureā€¦or, perhaps, despair.

Brain Go Bye Bye

If you listen, I will take your intelligence, your memory, your ability to form any sort of thought aside from what I wish you to think, and rid you of that pesky little mind of yours. Rid you of all that resistance that you may have. Youā€™ll exist in a place outside of the real world.

The Lewd Librarian

The fantasy aspect centres around pussy worship (mine, of course), nipple sucking, and a sexy, horny, lewd librarian (me!) who takes advantage of your entranced state of mind and makes you her little bitch for just a little while. No way to resist. No way to disobey.